Girls on Fire Leaders is an organization dedicated to teaching girls to lead innovative social change in their own communities. We have the mindset that solving our biggest problems requires girls at the center and more emphasis on building communities of action, in which we are bonded to one another based on shared values and not by race or ethnicity or tribe. We know education can be even more empowering with the explicit focus on teaching gender equality, leadership skills, social emotional learning and to build self-efficacy early through not only their personal development, but connection with their own communities.
In East Africa, where corruption, conflict, rape, disease and abuse are rife, Girls on Fire Leaders is taking the initiative and changing lives, one girl at a time.
We Train, Mentor And elevate the most vulnerable girls to solve such challenges and activate their community for support, In ORder to build resilience, empathy, leadership skills so they can navigate their own transition into adulthood safely, with confidence, dignity and purpose.
Why GIRLS EDUCATION is the key to solving the world’s greatest challenges?
Yes, but it must be whole-child education.
It has been well researched that girls' education brings high returns not just for income and economic growth, but in other crucial areas as well—including improving children’s and women's survival rates and health, reducing population growth, protecting children's rights and delaying child marriage, empowering women in the home and in the workplace, and even improving climate change adaptation.
Too often our well intentioned charity creates dependence to foreign aid and we make the mistake of putting ourselves at the center of solving local problems, instead of the girls we serve. We deny them the opportunities or dignity to solve their own problems; redesign healthcare, create pathways to education, combat corruption, uplift families out of poverty and gain access to the personal freedom that it takes to lead a life of flourishing.
So, Girls’ Education Is Simply Not Just About Books Or A Classroom, It’s About The Early And Focused Nurturing Of These Precious Resources, Girls, Within Communities Of Action That Will Drive The Social Change Needed For Human Dignity And Flourishing For All.
Due to Makesh’s training with Girls on Fire Leaders, she now teaches hundreds of girls weekly using Practice You, Girls On Fire principles, and meditation. True leaders are emerging through self-study and girl-led education. She is showing us we don’t have to wait to see what the next generation will do. It’s all being done now!
We are disrupting the status quo, and as you can see with Makesh, the ripple effect is significant, averaging a 10X Multiplier.
We believe every girl can learn to be a leader and is a Girl On Fire because our human, innate truth is love and service. In selecting the limited spots for the program, we look for three things only:
Is there a spark of self-belief and desire to see her community thrive?
Do we believe that her vision is able to fuel her for the long-run? Can she build a team around her; that she can have the dedication, perseverance and grit, to do what it takes to fight corruption, bureaucracy, complacency, the status quo, now and in 10-30 years?
Is she the most vulnerable, at-risk girl with very limited opportunities?
Girls on Fire Leaders are underserved 6-16 years old in primarily Kenya, living in Kibera and Mathare slums in Nairobi, 70% of whom are orphaned and/or victims of sexual violence and live with the realities of voilence, HIV, early-pregnancy, substance abuse and extreme poverty daily. We also work with girls the same age from the major ethnic tribes in rural Kenya and Tanzania, whose major challenges for girls are FGM (female genetial mutalation), early child marriage, poverty and no access to quality education
How are Girls on Fire Creating The Next Generation of Leaders?
Together with community partners since 2014, Girls on Fire has delivered seven camps in four ethnic regions of Kenya and Tanzania, serving over 1,000 girls and 2,000 community members trained to catalyze social change.
The model is one of collaboration and interconnectedness… Communities of Action.
The solution is to build a movement of girls, co created, co-designed and co-led by girls, uniting their voices across tribal lines, and amplifying the push for a larger and lasting shift in social dynamics and policy.
Girls on Fire runs year-round programming that works with local partners delivery quality education, such as schools and requires participation from teachers, parents and the entire community, which they do through:
Comprehensive Camps (2-3x per year)
Monthly leadership workshops
Peer mentorship
Leaders In Action - community projects
School scholarships
Innovation workshops (Design, systems and future thinking, STEM, as well as AI training)
Boys’ workshops
Parent/ family workshops + home visits
Reverse mentoring with the elders and matriarch storytelling workshops
“All Great Things Start Small,” the Swahili proverb
We started with 23 small girls and have built a network of girl leaders (over 1,000) that have already had the following outcomes:
Building agency and self-mastery through:
Increased confidence, resiliency, regulations of emotions, decision making abilities, courage and being more visible within at school and within the community.
More skills and sense of empowerment to own her own health, educational, life and family choices, even though societal norms are in place that keep her disempowered.
Higher performance in school and community service
Improved grades overall
Improved leadership skills and actively peer-mentor
Indicators such as confidence, self-expression, teamwork have been significantly improved
Advance skills for community organizing from idea to implementation.
Unlock global opportunities
Keynote speakers at United Nations in Kenya
Ambassadors & speakers for major HIV/AIDS Health Conference
Guests of honor at The Obama Foundation fellowship awards
Summer camps in United States
Six girls are attending high school in the U.S.
Girls On Fire Leaders graduates will:
Actively contribute to local female leadership through community teaching, mentoring and organizing
Be talent pipelines for global corporations
Drive social change locally and/or globally levels
Finish higher education to become a positive participant in global society.
Be job creators for youth
Increase diversity and inclusion throughout different sectors.
Educating a girl in urban slums means she will earn more and invest 90% of earnings in her family, becoming 3x less likely to contract HIV, and have fewer, healthier children who are more likely to reach adulthood (Erulkar, A., & Matheka, J. K. (2007), Adolescence in the Kibera Slums of Nairobi, Kenya. Population Council - The World Bank).
Young Leaders In Action
Not only have we help them build strength, stability and self-reliance, the Girls On Fire Leader have worked with other girls to build sustainable futures by learning leadership through development
Vision For The Future
By 2030, we will nurture and empower 100,000 Girls On Fire Leaders and build a movement of global girl leaders with a thriving network of change-makers.
As we scale, we have the opportunity to significantly reduce poor health and well-being outcomes and gender-based violence, while simultaneously massively increasing social and economic mobility and community development from within the 1 million people living in Kibera Slum and the 1.5 million people living in the 3 other communities. We plan grow our model in other countries outside of East Africa, including the United States, starting 2020 with a pilot projects.
We will do this by investing in early- adolescent girls to be the social change leaders in their communities and collaborating with women leaders to ensure we don’t have to wait for a generational turnover to witness a more just and equitable world.
The Girls On Fire Camp in December 2019 will be "Wellness & Leadership Camp" with 200+ early adolescent girls at high risk of HIV. We are aiming to decreasing the alarming statistic that 74% of new cases of HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa is adolescent girls, through health education, peer-advocacy, leadership skills development, self-care / agency building and having girls lead change in their communities (in this case, we will focus on HIV stigma, girls education and health).
We will be working in the 3 regions, Kisumu, Namanga & Turkana, servicing 300 girls and 25+ women community leaders, and bringing together girls from 8 different regions of Kenya. We have found that focusing on girl leadership within communities has had a 10x multiplier effect and engages the whole community on the value of a girl. A girl is able to move mountains if she is given skills and opportunities for her VOICE, VISIBILITY and VISION to be nurtured in her community.
In partnership with doTERRA Healing Hands and Elena Brower, we raised funds that will be used for the 2019 December Camp and to launch a new trauma informed yoga program. Note: 100% of your donation goes to directly into programming.
Camp in December - 2-week camp for 200 girls and 25 women leaders traveling from all over Kenya.
Camp Construction - Tent rentals, stage, tables and chairs rentals, audio, visuals, microphone rentals
Transportation - Bus rental, fuel, drivers
Accommodations - Local guesthouses (shared rooms only)
Food - 3 nutritious meals a day.
Supplies for workshop -Journals, pens, markers, paint, stickers. Printed Girls On Fire book for each girl.
T-Shirts - camp t-shirts
Girl-led community project- in the week, the girls work together and create a sustainable community project based on need. See past year’s projects.
Trauma Informed Yoga year-round programs for 3 partner schools, one specifically working with refugee girls from war-torn countries.
Yoga mats and blocks.
Yoga take home booklet for each girl.
Is Your Heart On Fire and Want In on Our Community of Action?
We are continuing to expand to serve more girls and communities and rooted in an intention to build a legacy of meaningful and sustainable impact.
Here’s some ways you can help fuel this movement:
DONATE - We still have these items left to fund for the December 2019 camps:
Sanitary pads (reusable - eco-friendly & lasts 3 yrs) through a locale enterprise model with Days for Girls.
Each kit costs $7.50 USD and comes with 2 Shields, 8 Liners, 1 Cloth Bag, 2 Plastic Bags, 2 Panties, 1 Soap, 1 Washcloth.
We need 400 kits for a total of $3,000
4 Scholarships for Girls On Fire in Namanga - $12 each a month or $144 a year
Pays for books, pens, supplies, desk rental, exam fees, school security and one half day “field trip”
Total for scholarships = $576
School uniforms for 10 Scholars = $50 each
Includes jumper, shoes, socks, pants, panties, blouse
Total = $500
Community Christmas Dinner
Serving 400 people at $3 each
Total = $1,200
Community Leaders + Staff salaries
Head GOF teacher / facilitator
2 other GOF teachers
HIV/Aids + health facilitator
Trauma-informed Yoga teacher
25 community leaders within 3 communities
Project manager + program director full-time hires
SPONSORSHIP - Be a Corporate Sponsor for our Wellness + Leadership Camps in Kenya in April 2020