Together, Practice You and Girls On Fire Leaders are elevating humanity to spark, share and sustain wellbeing in service of the most vulnerable girls on this planet.
Girls on Fire Leaders is an organization dedicated to teaching girls to lead innovative social change in their own communities. We have the mindset that solving our biggest problems requires girls at the center and more emphasis on building communities of action, in which we are bonded to one another based on shared values and not by race or ethnicity or tribe. We know education can be even more empowering with the explicit focus on teaching gender equality, leadership skills, social emotional learning and to build self-efficacy early through not only their personal development, but connection within their communities.
Practice You books are helping girls, like Makesh (below) navigate their transition into adulthood safely, with self-love, confidence, dignity and purpose!
Girls ON FIRE LEADerS Train, Mentor And elevate the most vulnerable girls to solve challenges and activate their community for support, BUILDING resilience, empathy, leadership skills.
PRACTICE YOU is a map to your highest self; a field guide of your own creation. The pages are full of potent prompts and inviting spaces, awaiting your contemplations and discoveries.
Makesh has a special than you for Elena Brower. She has started a Girls On Fire + Practice You course every Saturday in the slums, now up to 148 girls.