
We Are In Action

Girls On Fire Leaders is committed to supporting children and families in the most vulnerable slums in Kenya. At this time, we are helping them to navigate not only the immediate risk of contracting COVID-19, but also the ongoing reality faced by families living in extreme poverty. We are initiating multiple efforts to provide for the safety and basic needs of our girls, their families, and our communities in two of the largest slums in Kenya: Kibera and Mathare.

Our partner, DoTERRA Healing Hands Foundation is matching donations, which has allowed us to feed, protect and care for 3,000 families in the most need.

Our Interventions


Emergency Funds: We have set up and distributed emergency funds for food, protective gear, supplies, and airtime to all Girls on Fire families, our staff, interns, local activists, and our grassroots leaders.  

Family Food Packages: These will feed over 3,000 families (parents and children). The packages will include these Kenyan stables: Ugali, tea, sugar, rice, milk, clean water, cooking oil, vegetable and fruits.

Masks: Making + Distribution: We have employed local seamstresses to make over 1,200 face masks for free distribution in the community to help prevent the spread of the virus.


Mobile Hand-washing Stations:  We’re collaborating with our partner, SHOFCO, to support and lead hygienic hand-washing practices and educational efforts throughout many hand washing stations in Kibera and Mathare.

Empower Girls on Fire to Lead: Girls are receiving support from us to help them to lead educational efforts amongst youth around infection control, as well as packing and distribution for food and masks.



Mental Health + Safety for Girls

A tragic effect of the pandemic has been very high rates of gender-based violence (GBV) and teen pregnancy in Kibera slums.

Therefore, we have created safe spaces for girls to gather, get support and the tools needed to take care of their mindset and emotions during this tough time.

We have also started bi-weekly yoga and running clubs to engage girls in healthy, positive and collaborative activities.

We know that a girls mental health starts at home, so we care for the family, as well and do regular home visits with counselors and teachers to make sure the mothers, fathers and siblings are able to provide support to each other.


Our Girls on Fire Leaders have learned how to respond in service and for the greater good. To date, the girls have embodied leadership by working in eight different communities, including their own, to address the most pressing issues for girls and put solutions into action.

The COVID-19 crisis is no different, and GOF will be responsible for safelypacking and distributing huge food packages at recommended physical distance.

We will continue to support our girls as they step into their roles as leaders for their communities in a time of great fear and uncertainty.



Future of our Program

Now, more than ever, we are committed to ensuring that our model of interconnected leadership is realized for all marginalized girls  in our world’s most vulnerable communities. 

We have developed micro-camps and mentoring that will run every week for 6 months and serve 600 girls, with cohorts of 10 girls at a time. Our monthly programming will focus on parent and community involvement that will address safe pathways back to school for girls in January and capacity building for families and community leaders to guide the long-term change that is needed now.


Connection IS OUR POWER

We live the “Ubuntu” spirit. This Nguni term translates as “I am because we are.”

It speaks to a truth that I learned early on while living in Africa: that we are all connected and in need of one another. We are human because of the humanity of others. Never before have we seen this truth more profoundly experienced than now. 

The world is shifting into more interconnected leadership, which happens to be our expertise. 

Let’s connect and share along this journey.