How are Girls on Fire Creating The Next Generation of Leaders?
Together with community partners since 2014, Girls on Fire has delivered seven camps in four ethnic regions of Kenya and Tanzania, serving over 1,000 girls and 2,000 community members trained to catalyze social change.
The model is one of collaboration and interconnectedness.
The solution is to build a movement of girls, co created, co-designed and co-led by girls, uniting their voices across tribal lines, and amplifying the push for a larger and lasting shift in social dynamics and policy.
Girls on Fire runs year-round programming that works with local partners delivery quality education, such as schools and requires participation from teachers, parents and the entire community, which they do through:
Comprehensive Camps (2-3x per year)
Monthly leadership workshops
Peer mentorship
Leaders In Action - community projects
School scholarships
Innovation workshops
Boys’ workshops
Parent/ family workshops + home visits